Friday, September 10, 2010

Coinlockers and Haunting Sushi-Waiters.

I started the day off-kilter. Usually, around 5:30, I down about a pint of black coffee. It's dreadful for me, I'm certain, but it keeps me tickin', and I get through the day. Today, I did not, and forwent my coffee for the day. I'm exhausted, and it's only 5:00.

Today's AHEC deal was over Dosimetry. Basically, it was all about Dosage. How, as just enough Gamma kills Malignant Cells, just enough Lithium can treat Cluster Headaches. They also had a footnote on Micro-Medicinal stuff, mainly DNA and RNA-type stuff. I was thoroughly amused to find that the Codons for Isoleucine are "AUU" and, evermore amusing, Cysteine's are "UGU". That's right. We're all so moe~ we have our AUUs and UGUs encoded into our genetics.

This amusement tailed-off when I entered the Gym to find that someone had emptied my little coinlocker-thingy. My tennis-shoes, work-out clothes and such were gone, and someone had changed my lock. It was a real downer - I suppose all in all, not too much was lost. Those tennis-shoes needed to be retired, anyways - they were comfortable, but I was holding the soles in with Plumber's Putty...

I did my lifts and, when I left, the woman who listens to me whistle said she hadn't heard me for awhile. I told her I was sick and apologized.

I've also been unable to forget the sad store-clerk who stared at her hands. I tried to doodle her, but settled for the Sushi instead, because she ended up looking like the faceless women who peer out over The Dark Lake in Yume Nikki. That's actually a really apt depiction of her. She looked just like that, albeit she didn't have an empty black socket for a face...

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