Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Will Praise Him.

Lately, there's a lot that brings me to tears.
My OPINTEL course is very intimidating.
My instructors are intimidating.
My audience is intimidating.
The people I used to rely on for leadership aren't around.
My wife - she's my whole world - she cannot help me.
All I have is Jesus.

I've been praying a lot.
And reading a lot.
And crying a lot.
And singing a little in between.

I Will Praise Him
By Margaret J. Harris

When I saw the cleansing fountain
Open wide for all my sin,
I obeyed the Spirit’s wooing,
When He said, “Wilt thou be clean?”

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory, all ye people,
For His blood can wash away each stain.

Though the way seems straight and narrow,
All I claimed was swept away;
My ambitions, plans and wishes,
At my feet in ashes lay.

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory, all ye people,
For His blood can wash away each stain.

Then God’s fire upon the altar
Of my heart was set aflame;
I shall never cease to praise Him
Glory, glory to His Name!

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory, all ye people,
For His blood can wash away each stain.

Blessèd be the Name of Jesus!
I’m so glad He took me in;
He’s forgiven my transgressions,
He has cleansed my heart from sin.

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory, all ye people,
For His blood can wash away each stain.
Glory, glory to the Father!
Glory, glory to the Son!
Glory, glory to the Spirit!
Glory to the Three in One!

Saturday, June 8, 2013



  • 1: Name: Zackery Harmeyer
  • 2: Age:20
  • 3: 3 Fears: Being stationed somewhere far away. Failure. Heights.
  • 4: 3 things I love: Tea on a cold day. Leigh. Liquorice.
  • 5: 4 turns on: Being allowed to cross-dress. Improvised leashes and cuffs. Bed-hair. Curvy tummies.
  • 6: 4 turns off: Being sent to bed pissed-off. Grossing someone out. When I don't have time to shave first. HAVING. TO MUSTER. AT ANY POINT.
  • 7: My best friend: My wife.
  • 8: Sexual orientation: I'd say Bisexual - I've had a little bit of everything in my time, but I love a woman. But I wouldn't mind if she had a penis, either. It's just one of those things.
  • 9: My best first date: We wade around in the desert, have a picnic on the beach, and then snuggle up in a snow-lodge.
  • 10: How tall am I: Five-foot nine inches.
  • 11: What do I miss: Leigh, Television, and being able to cook.
  • 12: What time were I born
  • 13: Favourite color: Orange.
  • 14: Do I have a crush: IS2 Graffentine. Hurrhurr.
  • 15: Favourite quote: One's "It doesn't matter how fast you go so long as you never stop." by Ghandi.
  • 16: Favourite place: Truth be told, if I could go back to the Mojave Desert, I would.
  • 17: Favourite food: Biscuits with honey. Yogurt and fruit. Coffee and pasteries. Anything saucy and Asian.
  • 18: Do I use sarcasm: I'd never use sarcasm.
  • 19: What am I listening to right now: I recently found my old stash of PIERROT albums...
  • 20: First thing I notice in new person: Facial structure, or their attitude.
  • 21: Shoe size: 11's.
  • 22: Eye color: Brown
  • 23: Hair color: Brunette
  • 24: Favourite style of clothing: Jacket. Blouse. Shiny black shoes. Anything with suspenders.
  • 25: Ever done a prank call?: Yes. Someone called for my sister and I pretended to be an increasingly annoyed man trying to enjoy his dinner.
  • 27: Meaning behind my URL: Once upon a time, I was a Wriggle Nightbug roleplayer. I'd wanted to imitate Liam and set up a blog like his, because it seemed very cathartic, and I'd asked him what I should call it. He said, "Mmph, I don't know. Uuhhh-- Corner... Bug. Night Jive," which I then contracted to the vaguely-weeaboo "Cobuniji," the first two letters of every portion of the name suggested.
  • 28: Favourite movie: The Iron Giant.
  • 29: Favourite song: Oh, don't make me pick. Lately, I've been fawning over Floating Darkness.
  • 30: Favourite band: I've been listening to a lot of, I kid you not, VeggieTales and PIERROT as of late.
  • 31: How I feel right now: Hungry, but the Naval Exchange is closed.
  • 32: Someone I love: Leigh.
  • 33: My current relationship status: Married.
  • 34: My relationship with my parents: I call when I can.
  • 35: Favourite holiday: Halloween - even though you don't really get out for anything, it's a beautiful time of year and I have a lot of fun dressing up as a Nun every year.
  • 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: None - I contemplate getting a brand every now and then, though.
  • 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: A brand of Metatron's Cube, or the Ambition Sigil.
  • 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: Followin' Now-Defunct Askblogs.
  • 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No. We wrote eachother recently.
  • 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: EVERY DAY. FROM MY WIFE. I GIVE THEM, TOO. THEY'RE MAD IMPORTANT.
  • 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: Nope.
  • 42: When did I last hold hands?: With Leigh, on our way to the beach. We laughed our happy asses off about it, too, because I'm not allowed to hold hands in uniform - I have to "Offer a Proper Arm."
  • 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: An hour. I usually iron my uniform. Hop into it. Grab my fistful of keycards, brush my teeth. Shave. Make my bed. And then take out the trash after eating something small (Cup of Noodles or a Spinach Hotpocket) for breakfast.
  • 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: I'm miko-pit smooth right now. It's nice.
  • 45: Where am I right now?: BEQ - Building 566 Bravo.
  • 46: If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: Leigh or a DMTI.
  • 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: It depends on what I'm listening to. So I utilize headphones.
  • 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Nope.
  • 49: Am I excited for anything?: Graduation, C-School, and Leigh's next visit.
  • 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: Yep.
  • 51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: Every time I put on my boots.
  • 52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: I hugged Seaman Apprentice Swire yesterday and told him his accent's nothing to worry about. He gets picked on for sounding Russian.
  • 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: Depends on who it was. I'd probably forgive and  forget though, if it didn't happen twice.
  • 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: EVERY. OTHER. SAILOR. I WORK WITH.
  • 55: What is something I disliked about today?: 1130 Muster.
  • 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: I have a few people I'd like to meet. Ana'd be cool to hang out with.
  • 57: What do I think about most?: Time not-spent working.
  • 58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can chiffonade like a motherfucker.
  • 59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Anybody higher rank than I.
  • 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind.
  • 61: What was the last lie I told?: "I'm feeling better already!"
  • 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: My craptop has trouble running Video Chat, but it runs calls pretty well.
  • 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Both.
  • 64: Do I believe in magic?: Yes, but it's largely will and belief centric, as well as philosophic in origin.
  • 65: Do I believe in luck?: Isn't luck just "The low odds of something happening happening?"
  • 66: What's the weather like right now?: Tropical Storm-y.
  • 67: What was the last book I've read?: "A Perfect Day for Banana Fish."
  • 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: I do.
  • 69: Do I have any nicknames?: "Harmeyer," "Bible," "Bibbly," "Bibi," "Zack."
  • 70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: I cracked my sternum once. It hurt worse than accidentally stabbing my knee.
  • 71: Do I spend money or save it?: Spend a portion on tigers. Save the rest.
  • 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?: No.
  • 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?: My pink panties are hiding in my dresser waiting to be washed.
  • 74: Favourite animal?: Sheep, Goats, Crabs, Sea Urchins, Snails, Slugs. All sorts of stuff.
  • 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Sleeping in preparation for 0530 Muster.
  • 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: "Thanatos"...?
  • 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: "Routine Melodies," by the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra.
  • 78: How can you win my heart?: Be committed, don't lie to me, include me in your day, and understand that I'm in the military.
  • 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: "Whoops"
  • 80: What is my favorite word?: "Particularly," according to my last Brief.
  • 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: Swingtho, ShinyScrewholes, Bleetdev, and two AskBlogs of your choice.
  • 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: "Lighten up, you guys."
  • 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: Not currently. Charles just got out after stabbing my uncle.
  • 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Holy Sanction.
  • 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: "Are you scared?"
  • 86: What is my current desktop picture?: This.
  • 87: Had sex?: That's above your classification clearance.
  • 88: Bought condoms?: They're in my dresser in a variety of sensations.
  • 89: Gotten pregnant?: I'm carrying Leigh's buttchildren.
  • 90: Failed a class?: No. But I have failed a Brief before.
  • 91: Kissed a boy?: Yes.
  • 92: Kissed a girl?: Yes.
  • 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: Repeatedly.
  • 94: Had job?: Yes.
  • 95: Left the house without my wallet?: Yes.
  • 96: Bullied someone on the internet?: GET REKT, YOU SCORE-HUNGRY DICKMOOSE.
  • 97: Had sex in public?: No. Have gotten-off in public, though. In a school-desk no less. How animu.
  • 98: Played on a sports team?: I was on a Weightlifting Team in Highschool.
  • 99: Smoked weed?: Nope. Parents are violently allergic. Gave me permission to vomit my guts out if I wanted.
  • 100: Did drugs?: NOT. EVEN. ONCE.
  • 101: Smoked cigarettes?: Briefly. Emily found out and made me stop.
  • 102: Drank alcohol?: Briefly. It's mostly fueled by my want to mix assorted cocktails like a showoff.
  • 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: I was Vegetarian for a long time. I'm thinking about doing it again.
  • 104: Been overweight?: I WAS MAD PUDGY AS A CHILD.
  • 105: Been underweight?: No. 135 was my lowest.
  • 106: Been to a wedding?: Yes.
  • 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Uh-huh.
  • 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: No.
  • 109: Been outside my home country?: Yes.
  • 110: Gotten my heart broken?: Repeatedly.
  • 111: Been to a professional sports game?: Yes. Hockey with a family friend. Not my bag.
  • 112: Broken a bone?: Yes. Growth-plate in my foot. Sternum.
  • 113: Cut myself?: My hands are covered in scars from improper knife-handing as a child.
  • 114: Been to prom?: Yep. Took someone whom I didn't want to go alone because she was an awesome person.
  • 115: Been in airplane?: Yep.
  • 116: Fly by helicopter?: No.
  • 117: What concerts have I been to?: A single Christian Rock concert with my mother. Had a chance to see Nine Inch Nails, but I was working at the time and skipped-out on it.
  • 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: Yes.
  • 119: Learned another language?: Briefly took German and French.
  • 120: Wore make up?: When I get all dolled-up to try and be tiger-cute.
  • 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Nope. Lost it at nineteen.
  • 122: Had oral sex?: I enjoy giving it far more. I'm ashamed because I taste salty...
  • 123: Dyed my hair?: PINK. BRIGHT PINK.
  • 124: Voted in a presidential election?: Yes.
  • 125: Rode in an ambulance?: No.
  • 126: Had a surgery?: No.
  • 127: Met someone famous?: Does Yosu count?
  • 128: Stalked someone on a social network?: No.
  • 129: Peed outside?: Yes.
  • 130: Been fishing?: Yes.
  • 131: Helped with charity?: Frequently.
  • 132: Been rejected by a crush?: Frequently.
  • 133: Broken a mirror?: No. S'bad juju.
  • 134: What do I want for birthday?: A pumpkin pie or a box of Sushi.
  • 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: I can't decide that alone.
  • 136: Was I named after anyone?: Zack, the Lego-Maniac, I shit you not.
  • 137: Do I like my handwriting?: I wish I could do Cursive.
  • 138: What was my favourite toy as a child?: Beanie Babies and Legos. I know it's a weird combination, and even worse, horribly fitting to whom I was named after.
  • 139: Favourite Tv Show?: Adventure Time and Regular Show.
  • 140: Where do I want to live when older?: The coast or the desert. Or a lighthouse.
  • 141: Play any musical instrument?: Nope, but I can bust out some sick kazoo.
  • 142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: I busted myself in the face with a bookshelf I was carrying It's down the bridge of my nose and under my left eye.
  • 143: Favourite pizza toping?: Spinach and Feta, with Whitesauce. Try it at Domino's.
  • 144: Am I afraid of the dark?: Not in particular.
  • 145: Am I afraid of heights?: Kind of, yes.
  • 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?: Yes.
  • 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: Yes.
  • 148: What I'm really bad at: Public speaking, drawing, GetAmped.
  • 149: What my greatest achievments are: Marrying Leigh and joining the Navy.
  • 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: "I think the problem's you."
  • 151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery: Tell the Navy "Nevermind."
  • 152: What do I like about myself: I don't fuck people over.
  • 153: My closest Tumblr friend: Swingtho.
  • 154: Something I fantasise about: Bellies and Warm Strawberry Gel.
  • 155: Who's a cool villain?: I like Visi and Double. I've also been fixed on another one that I'm not proud of. And with regards to sheer sass and personality, Hades, from Disney's Hercules.
  • 156: Any question you'd like to add.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

And Now It's Time

The part of the Navy where Dimacelli comes out and sings a silly song.
So without further adieu, cadence, with Dimacelli.


They say that in the Navy the coffee's mighty fine.
It looks like muddy water and tastes like turpentine.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!

They say that in the Navy, the racks are mighty fine.
How the hell would I know? I've never slept in mine.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!

They say that in the Navy, the pay is mighty fine.
They'll give you a hundred dollars, and take back ninety-nine.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!

They say that in the Navy, the women are mighty fine.
They look like Halle Berry and march like Frankenstein.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!

They say that in the Navy, the mail is mighty fine.
Today I got a letter dated 1949.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!

They say that in the Navy, the barracks are waterproof.
You wake up in the morning and you're floating on the roof.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!

They say that in the Navy, the toilets are mighty fine.
Flush it down at seven and it comes back up at nine.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!

They say that in the Navy, the chicken's mighty fine.
Mine jumped on the table and started double-time.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!

They say that in the Navy, the steak is mighty fine.
You can chew on it for hours but you're only wastin' time.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!

They say that in the Navy, the biscuit's mighty fine.
One rolled off the table and killed a friend of mine.

Oh Lord, I wanna go.
But they won't let me go.
Oh - Hey!


I knew a girl who wore a yellow ribbon.
She wore it in the springtime, in the merry month of May.
And if you asked her why the hell she wore it
She wore it for her sailor who was always underway

She wore it for her sailor who was always underway.

Around the town, she pushed a baby carriage.
She pushed it in the springtime, in the merry month of May.
And if you asked her why the hell she pushed it
She pushed it for her sailor who was always underway.

She wore it for her sailor who was always underway.

Back at home, her daddy cleaned his shotgun.
He cleaned it in the springtime, in the merry month of May.
And if you asked him why the hell he cleaned it,
He cleaned it just to keep that sailor far, far away.

Far away
Far away
He cleaned it just to keep that sailor far, far away.


I hear the chopper comin'.
It's hoverin' overhead.
They're coming to get the wounded.
They're coming to make some dead.

They were always ready for war.
Locked and loaded.
Locked and loaded!
Locked and loaded, we've done this before.

They're were always ready for war.
So early, so early, so early in the morning.

Sittin' in the CIVIC,
Buttons all around.
Feelin' a little bit frisky!
I push the red one down.
Hot damn, I blew up Iran!

Locked and loaded.
Locked and loaded!
Locked and loaded, we've done this before.

They're were never ready for war.
So early, so early, so early in the morning.

Sittin' in the Sandbox,
Sharpening my knife.
When out pops Kim Jong-Un.
You know I took his life!

He was never ready for war.
Locked and loaded.
Locked and loaded!
Locked and loaded, we've done this before.

He was never ready for war
So early, so early, so early in the morning.

Creepin' through the Jungle,
I thought I heard a snap.
Out pops Battalion Leader!
It wasn't a booby-trap!

'Cause he was always ready for war.
Locked and loaded.
Locked and loaded!
Locked and loaded, we've done this before.

He was always ready for war.
So early, so early, so early in the morning.
Too early, too early, too early every morning.


Got a letter in the mail
Go to war, or go to jail.
Got a letter in the mail, mail, mail.
In the early morning rain.

I asked him where I could sign.
He said on the dotted line.
I asked where I could sign, sign, sign.
In the early morning rain.

Packed my bags, kissed my wife.
Headed off to sailor-life.
Headed off to sailor life, life, life.
In the early morning rain.

Told my son, please don't cry.
Superman never dies.
Superman never dies, dies, dies.
In the early morning rain.

Got the enemy to my front.
And the ocean to my rear.
Dying people's all I hear, hear, hear.
In the early morning rain.


Low, high, low, right-left.
Low, righty, low, righty, low, right-left.
The U.S. Navy SEALS are the best.
They'll give their lives just to save the rest.

Lt. Johnson just had a baby boy.
Not long after, he had to deploy.
He kissed his wife and told his baby goodbye.
Little did he know that he would give his life.

Low, high, low, right-left.
Low, righty, low, righty, low, right-left.

Lt. killed his target with his rifle and blade.
Completed his task to keep his brothers safe.
Lt. jumped on to a hand grenade.
Lord only knows how many lifes he saved.

Low, high, low, right-left.
Low, righty, low, righty, low, right-left.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013



That's a line from Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried," a fictional story with factual influences told from the perspective of various soldiers in a Vietnam platoon both before, during, and after their Military Service. It's not a particularly happy collection of vignettes, but I guess that's why it's so fitting a quote.

Being in the military is difficult.
Some of it's classified, so
I can't talk about some of it.
Parts of it are hard to explain.
People can't relate to you.
You're always the bad guy.

I really don't like Chief Harlow. He often mocks our Battalion, which I find disrespectful, and he jokes frequently in what I find to be a distasteful fashion. He directly addressed a critique I wrote, once, with the misconception that I was requesting a vote rather than a tally, and more or less called me stupid and naive for thinking the Navy would ever give a damn what a single Battalion decided amongst itself.

"You don't have rights anymore," he said. "You gave those up so others could have them."
That's one of the hardest things to explain to people.

Trying to sounds exaggerated. Or worse, like you're some sort of martyr, and when people are dissatisfied with you on a social level, the last thing they want to hear is some self-sacrificing bullshit about how, as a Sailor, you don't always have a say in what you do, when you do it, and for how long.

  • Sometimes, I have to muster six times a day.
  • Sometimes, I have to work until midnight.
  • Sometimes, I don't get to eat.
  • Sometimes, I don't get a complimentary phone-call.
  • Sometimes, I have to wade through the red tape.
  • Sometimes, I have to shut-up and color.
  • Sometimes, I'm not accountable for myself, but for the guy next to the guy next to me.
  • Sometimes, I don't sleep.
  • Sometimes, I work with and for incompetent people.
  • Sometimes, I realize that getting hospitalized could mean an extra month here.
  • Sometimes, I show up sick and pretend I'm not.
  • Sometimes, things just go wrong.
  • Sometimes, things just go right, but things have gone wrong so long that it doesn't cheer you up.
If I write on myself or get an unauthorized tattoo, it is legally vandalism, as I am government property.
Perhaps that's a bit of perspective on the way things work within the United States Military.

I think if we didn't laugh at ourselves.
If we didn't laugh at others behind closed doors.
If Dimacelli didn't sing cadence about how terrible things can be in a lighthearted manner.
The U.S. Navy would almost certainly spiral into mass-depression.

I am SA Harmeyer.
And I assess this with Moderate Confidence.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Just another Mise a Jour.

I've not really had a lot of time to post and stuff, but that's a given sort of; I'm sure you've all really come to expect that of me by now, and it's a little saddening to presume that, but it's also an accurate assessment so there's not really much I can do about it beyond pout over you being correct, apologize, and write when I can.

Today's going to be a good day - I woke up and got EVERYTHING I needed done.
I was so in the zone that I sort of forgot about showing up to Muster, which has net me a Double-Watch next Thursday, but seeing as we're understaffed and they're passing out Double-Watches to people who didn't mess-up, I'm not particularly phased.

I sort of want to ask if it's at all possible for me to take someone else's watch so that they can actually HAVE a weekend, but I have a sneaky suspicion Turner and Kobak aren't hearing any of it - they reprint the Watchbills too much as it is. All the same, I'm going to give it a shot and see if I can't arrange for it.

I've got a good deal I need to do today: I've got to enroll my wife in DEERS today at lunch or so.
My critical evaluation of Greece's political state is mostly done, so I'm not particularly sweating asking for time to do some in the middle of work.

I've also got to get my hair Man-Shou'd again.
For the record, if any of you care to have that haircut, the recipe for it is:
"Shave the sides, half an inch on-top."
Now, you, too, can be a dashing tiger.

I had a hell of an evening last night; it was just splendid.
After a night of Corehunting, and doing okay on Avyon Court despite it being my very first time ever playing, I spent the entire day lovesick and mushy before topping it off with a literal evening of posting pictures of butts with Felis, Leigh, and Eric. 


 Today's To-Do List, for my self-reference, is:
  • Visit TSC at Lunch.
  • Haircut.
  • Assemble Resume.
  • Assemble Brief.
  • Iron Peanutbutters.
  • Muster 1800.
  • Muster 2030.
  • Verify Dutyswap.
  • Stock back up on coffee. 

You bet your cuss I didn't!
I spent all afternoon assembling my own imaginary orders while our Battalion took twenty minutes to muster, removing ANY WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY I HAD to do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.