Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Profound Link with the Inanimate.

As of late, I've begun to spend a lot of time looking at metals and flowers and the supposed connotations and meanings of each. I don't know which facets of this appeal to me, but every now and then I imagine using my symbolic understandings of them to conduct myself in an utterly Shakespearean manner during a roleplay for some character like D.B. Krmmstopp or Militia Concordian who my mind shall always be pregnant with but who will never come to be fully defined until I finally have a place to lay down and nurse them in.

I don't know where it began, but I suspect I've always had this profound link with the inanimate, as it was called by a dear friend whose jasper bracelet would've symbolized long-term invigoration, spiritual protection, self-discipline, and a defined need to help others - had I actually been skilled enough to make the bracelet, that is. The red silk it would have been made from would have meant good luck, as well.

Even when I was small, I recall wearing a ring of lion's print my mother gave to me before I'd lost it. It bolstered me to know I had it on, despite the abuse that plagued my youth.

I don't necessarily know where I was headed with this, but I suppose I just think mundane things can have profound implication, or even serve as a focal point for the spiritual. But not intrinsically. They're sort of like...Batteries. You have to know and believe and look for it. You've got to define it until it's there. Own it until it's yours. Turn them on. Implement them.

Maybe that's what makes giving a memento from your youth to someone so heavy. You know what it means and you know what it carries.

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