Thursday, March 24, 2011

Plat du Café

It's a very Coffee-filled day. I've had quite a bit of it, and having gone to bed very early, I'm feeling particularly brisk and limber about everything.

I've got my To Do list for the day: Platelet Donation at 3:00, Postcards, Laundry, and a look-in to some Compositions - Einstein on the Beach, 1000 Airplanes on the Roof, and Winter, as well as some Chopin, Schubert, Bach, Liszt and perhaps Tchaikovsky and Beethoven.

Today's plate is actually from a few days ago. I came back from the Grocery-store using a portion of my Shovelmoney to purchase fish, and I wound up saving myself some money by getting a very large box.

Unfortunately, this means I've committed myself to eating Tilapia. Every. Day.
I've begun trying to prepare it in a unique way - In Odd Thomas, a book I disliked, I was fascinated with Odd's mild obsession with Fish Tacos, and I took the time to prepare one. It's served with marinated cabbage and a small dollop of Sour Cream, which added a very nice touch.

In addition to the fish, I purchased Lemons. I've been using them to make quite a bit of Blancmange which keeps the milk from spoiling in the fridge, make the fish more exciting, and as an ingredient for Aaron's "Oriental Ninja-Burger".

We'll see how this goes over.

Pyon and Nyabi have been making up a very significant part of my morning conversations over coffee. They're really great people. I feel better for knowing these guys.

Gotta mail word over to Robin and such - If I had that Einstein Postcard, I'd pass it his way, just for the odd, odd look in his eyes. That's photographic genius.

I'm willing to bet there was an odd sort of sadness in Einstein's understanding of things, and the expectations of the World upon his shoulders. I'm willing to bet he felt very much like Charlie Gordon in "Flowers For Algernon", or Robert Stadler when he saw the world he allowed to exist: "It's very lonely at the top".

I digress!
It's time for fish.

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