Saturday, March 19, 2011

Plat du Aaaugh.

Okay, do I didn't wind up doing rice like I'd predicted. I threw the whole deal over Couscous, which is a tiny grain-pasta kind of similar to Italian pastina. It was pretty good - the flavors complimented eachother very well. Not particularly exciting, though.

Mildly irrelevant, but Filet Mignon bothers me - I've always wanted to prepare it or something, but then I saw it, and I was kind of disappointed in its raw sum - a nice little puck of meat wrapped in bacon. Some day, if I have the time, I ought to learn to prepare Filet Mignon in an exciting way - somehow, it just doesn't have wow-factor by itself...

...I'm a little premature about thinking on that, though - we're not buying anything that's not Great Value for quite some time.

Also, the title - I was walking Fischer, a small dog we've been in care of for a bit when I passed a guy shoveling dirt. I said I'd help him when I came back, though I don't necessarily know what put me up to it. He said he'd take what he could get, and I grabbed my workmitts and short red shovel. We shoveled until the sun started to set. All the while, he talked politics and such with me - he said Medical's a good field to seek out, because there will always be "Suckers hurtin' themselves", and said, "When you're old like me, your memory's the first thing to go - can't remember what's second..."

He passed me twenty dollars at the end of the day, and asked me if I thought I was going to be sore tomorrow. I said, "I think my back's going to hurt - call it a hunch". We both laughed, and he told me I could come back today to do the same thing. I think I will - even though I'm hurting, this is the closest I've gotten to a Callback all year.

Oh - also, I watched a deaf comedian perform last night, too. She was very good, and her interpreter relayed all of her signing. It was a funny coincidence, too, because awhile back, my TAG-Instructor said, "Harmeyer, a second language is a good thing to know. Now, you took two separate ones, and that's no good - if you could learn a language - any language - what would you learn?"

I told him I'd really like to learn Sign Language, and he said "...That's an odd answer. Why?"

I told him I'd really love to flirt with deaf people, and he goes:
"That is the single most egotistical, insensitive, self-centered thing I've heard all year. I love it."

I could get a job relaying for deaf comics; more incentive to learn Sign Language.

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