Friday, November 12, 2010

As-Salaam Alaikum.

Wa Alaikum As-Salaam.

There has been an uproar of deep-seated prejudice in the town I live in over the request to construct a Mosque across from a small park. I'd mentioned it to my family, and they seemed rather steady on the matter:

My Father made no bones about disliking Muslims.
My Sister said that the people attending are doomed to Hell.
My Mother told my sister she was wrong, but said she wouldn't go with me if I decided to visit the Mosque for prayer.

I've decided that, when the Mosque is open, I'd like to attend a prayer there, and perhaps see if I may purchase a small Qu'ran as is customarily for sale and hand-out at a lot of Churches. I've been struck with a healthy interest, and my inhibitions have been very few after praying outside Iglesia de Dios. Perhaps I'll see what the Imam or Mullah has to say of my life, and how I can better lead it. And if nothing? I can applaud their efforts to hold Islam strong in a community that is misinformed and uneducated on the Islamic Faith by offering to be lead in prayer.

I'm nervous - perhaps I will offend the Imam with my unfamiliarity?
I can only home he will not bare down upon me for being foreign to it.

I went out to eat at a small Chinese restaurant called "Chu's", which is kind of amusing. I ate quite a bit of Kimchee and Mushrooms. It was nice to have something other than instant noodles or a sandwich. I keep my fortune cookies and adhere quite sternly to them - today's is: "You are an artistic person - let your colors show", with the Lucky Numbers 14, 16, 19, 37, 47, and 49.

It feels good to be able to relax.
To be able to be at ease.

I've not been writing many postcards, forgive me for being so preoccupied.

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