Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Last Time I Checked, You Didn't Have An Education, Either.

...Ya' Fuckin' Whore.

I made a pizza today, from scratch. It was kind of a weird family event. Everyone came in from everywhere to mush-up dough and spill sauce. I chopped some bell-pepper and it was done. I used biscuit-dough that I'd rolled out for the crust, so it was a little odd, but frankly, I suck with flour. This is why when I try to make Mandu and Khinkali they come uncrimped or are so doughy that they may as well be a bun. It came out pretty good, actually, and pretty thrifty, too. In fact, I think the bell-pepper was the most expensive part of any of it.

The cats are almost ready to be adopted out - they've gained a good amount of weight, especially the less-fluffy one, who is now a bit heavy and grown out of her shyness to bully her smaller sister. The fluffier of the twins may be staying a bit longer, but I hope to get them to the same family. They may beat-up on each other, but they also sleep on each other, which I find makes up for it. I might not be able to get them both to the same family, though. Such is life in the Humane Society.

Aaron hit me up to photoship myself into Eda. It came out pretty well. Probably better than Bridget, 'cause Bridget was such a pain with his eyebrows. I'm posin' as a nun. Takin' kick-backs from black market organizations. Investigatin' for the CIA. I used a smaller, recolored version of today's picture to show you that Nuns with Guns is not only a rhyme, but pretty cool and vaguely threatening.

Oh, and Old-Flan is raising all this shit with Liam.
I could headbutt a bitch, because he's hiding behind all his locked shit to prevent anyone from confronting him. If you're going to pick a fight, do it, but make it a fair fight, not one where you hide behind a door and call someone names.

In closing, I'd like to leave you with some pious battle-music. I'd tailed into the extended version of this song while chasing PE-RI-CA and OBSCUREZONE, which were given to me by a friend for spamming, and promptly stole it.

This is what I listen to while driving my pious fists into the people chasing you.

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