Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why My Superpowers Are Better Than Yours.

You may have all manner of bullet-spreads and hax that a simple Stage Three like me can't even begin to fathom, but I have the most classy boxing you've ever seen, and that puts me a cut above what you're dishing out.

With complete disregard for Dudley and Unzan, I will now begin to advertise.
A ways back, there was a collective effort between Parsee, Mystia, Patchouli and I to put together a huge Touhou Edit Kit for San Andreas. We've got most characters, reskins for Youmu's Sword, Sakuya's Knives, Kogasa's Karakasa will soon take the place of the bat.

We've got spellcards and a few places to play, provided Negro makes a few concessions on our part, but more or less, we're sittin' in butter, scrubs.

The set-up is a little weird with the Steam Version of the game, but I'm almost certain you could pirate a copy and still join us for Multiplayer, if it's your cup of tea. If you need help setting up, I'm sure one of us can help you in the Group Chat I'm about to mention.

We're working on a Version Six, but the Fifth Edition of our Mod-Package, is already out, and you can download it Here.

If you're fond of silly hats, and all manner of ballin' bustas erryday, I encourage you to scope it out and visit our Group-Chat here in Maid Army, which will likely be our place of headquarters until Version Six is released and we likely resume use of Our Original Group

Thanks for reading, and KEEP IT CLASSY-!

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