Friday, July 23, 2010

Ichirin Was Here.

Raising these kittens has proven to be much more trouble than I'd intended. They've reached the point of familiarity where they're tired of being here and as a result have begun to chew on my things - a few postcards you readers may receive will have distinct kitten-chewies on the corners from bored cats stumbling upon my "Stack of Things to Mail".

Another rising issue is the distinct need the cats seem to have to chew on my cords. This isn't bad, as their tiny teeth haven't gotten to the point where they can puncture the insulation yet, but it takes shape in a really bad way, as they tend to yank my alarm-clock out the wall, making me wake up at 10:00 instead of 6:00.

Worse yet, the smaller of the two has relieved itself in my bed twice, which is why I'm up at this God-awful hour when I was tired about two hours ago.

My Old Man comes home tomorrow. I worry we may sink back into "Me Doing Everything" once he returns. My mother was lending me a well-appreciated hand in my father's trip to Arizona - she says it's because "She gets more done without my father being around". Kind of an ominous thing to hear, but whatever, so long as it keeps me from folding the laundry.

I've recently seen the saddest cartoon-moment since Spike's death at the end of Cowboy Bebop. It was the death of these two murderous twins in an arc of Black Lagoon that Aaron streamed. It, in many ways, paralleled Of Mice and Men. After relaying the perversions and murderous acts it was made to perform, this child removes his wig, revealing himself as the Brother of the two twins, and not the sister as they'd presumed they'd captured. After several more-gruesome details and the Child's questioning of God, the man hugs the child and proclaims that there is truly more to life than blowing someone apart with a firearm. The child states that the man is nice and promptly lifts his dress. What's seen is kind of left intentionally vague - it could've been that they'd mutilated him "down there", that the man was disgusted that the child was taught to perform that way, or any other number of things, but the guy runs out damning whoever owned the child to hell and beyond. Either way, at one point the boy laments having never been able to see the ocean. They take the child to a friend's, where the child will presumably live a happy, sheltered life. Said friend tells the child to wave goodbye, and while the child is turned, shoots it in the head. The child regards the ocean, then dies.

I was kind of on the verge of manly-tears.
I didn't quite cry, though. I think I may have cried when Spike uttered his last Bang-! but I was, admittedly, much younger when I'd finished Cowboy Bebop.

It's been a day for odd conversation. I'm appreciating people.
I'm appreciating them a lot, but I have very limited time with them, because not only am I now sleeping-in due to my constantly-unplugged alarm, but I still have cleaning and such to do as well. My head's even kind of strayed into some less than pious waters, and I've been nursing that Strange Disease all week. It cumulated in a kind of boil-over as I got to see from an older perspective, one I haven't quite abandoned but have put from regular use, again.

Also, have you ever tried Alien Swarm?
I just picked it up, a ways back, and now I've traded all my delightful armaments for a lousy badge. I don't think I'll do it again. I can stand to be Rank 0 so long as I'm ranked, I guess. The Super-Fist? Best upgrade in-game, hands down.
...Damn, I can't wait to get it again.

I've kind of lapsed into drinking soda again. I have big spans where I drink my weight in water for a month or two, and then I somehow end up cracking open a can of Welch's Grape and then, Blam. I'm back drinking canned syrup until I start to feel guilty about what I'm doing to myself and hop back onto the water-wagon for another month.

Once a get an Apartment or something, I won't have to worry about that 'cause my sorry ass won't be able to afford soda. Just wait, Syracuse. Just wait.

In closing, here's some long overdue pictures off the kittens.
The first one is the smaller of the two. The one behind my speakerbox is the shyer of the two, but the bigger. As of late, it's become a bit of a bully to it's little sister.

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