Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fist-Dilemmas and Era-Brand Detergent.

So I was messing around in Photoshop, namely the tools I never use because they're ugly, like the Palette Knife and such. Suddenly, this happened. I like it, though it looks like it belongs in Counter Strike or something.

I ended up taking all of the dogs out, today. It was partially to check to see if we've gotten rid of their's tapeworms, but they've also been so cooped-up that they're beginning to cry just because they can. It did a number on me, and I ended up napping - I was on the verge of an asthma-attack. When I got up, I booted up to sneak in a few levels while Remilia was gone. That said, Remilia eventually showed up, and as such, twisted Morichika's arm to show up, too.

We played, and after awhile I was faced with an odd dilemma, as I suddenly found that Monks don't get to wear Nun-Coifs. As a result, I, after grinding diligently to End-Tier, backed out for Priesthood. It's kind of a shame, but, perhaps, I'll be more useful that way? The only real problem is, I have no clue what to put points into... Still, I look the part, even though "The Part" ends up looking like a Traditional Catholic Nun.

I also got -help- today, at least with the laundry. My mother acknowledged that there was -nowhere- to put the laundry, as I'd folded so much that it covered the little table we keep everything on. We took up my Old Man's clothes, 'cause he's left for Arizona for the week, then my sister's. I took mine in a ways back, and now the table's back to empty and I can start folding the laundry so it's separate from the other stuff - I'm certain a few blankets were rewashed because I couldn't tell they weren't dirty...

I noticed we use Era-Brand Detergent.
I like it because it's cheapie, huge, and I think it smells really nice.
It smells...like soap. Like hand-soap.
When you pull it out the dryer, it just smells like clean hands, and I love it.
Having been taught to bargain down, I think, when I'm out buying stuff for myself, I've got to get Era. And really generic coffee, too. Coffee's one of those things you can skimp on because you don't drink coffee because it's good. You drink it because you're going to sleep otherwise.

A bunch of my postcards were received today.
Oh man, I love hearing that, because I never expect it.
I'm too used to snail-mail.

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