Saturday, July 17, 2010

I've Got a Strange Disease

Wee-oooh-! Wee-oooh-!

I've been plagued by that unwavering fondness.
I'm starting to entertain some extinct ideas over here, because the cards seem to be in my favor. I'm often laying against a more-prominent reminder of this when I try to sleep. I've got a strange disease.

I'm also short a pint of blood - I've donated five pints, which means I'm just three away from a gallon, at which point I get some perk - I think they said I can slap them down for reference on College stuff, or Job stuff. Either is beneficial to me. Plus, I have some sort of weird pride-bit about having donated enough blood to be marked on a meter at the Gas Station. I can donate again September 11th - hell of a scheduled time, right? Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to that.

I've also taken in these two kittens for the Humane Society. They were slated for euthanasia for being too small to vaccinate, so I'm nursing them back to a healthy weight, at which point the Humane Society will take them and adopt them out. They're both nameless, and enjoy climbing my legs and cork-board. I jokingly said I wanted to name one Balalaika.

We sold the furniture in the basement. Prepping for Syracuse is a riot - I had to clear out everything and roll-up the carpet, alone. My Old Man tried to chip in at the end, after I'd done anything, but I told him I wouldn't lift if he tried to help me, because I'd lose my bitching-rights if he were able to lie and say that we "Did the Basement together". He told me that I'm too proud and "It's called Teamwork".
I told him there isn't teamwork here - there's me. He wasn't too pleased, but he let go and I moved everything myself. He kind of tried to apologize for making me do everything by offering to spend some cash on me, but I declined because I don't like to bum money off my parents. He punctuated my refusal with "Well fuck you, then."
My Old Man and I have an odd relationship...

Everything's done, though, and it feels good to not have to do anything for awhile. However, there isn't a whole lot of food, now. Cooking has started to be a bit of a pain, and I think I'm probably going to grill tomorrow so that we have something easy. Time to slather everything in Cayenne because it's flavorful and we have a lot of it - I originally picked it up for Liam's ideal-breakfast, which I haven't eaten in a long while, because we're out of bread and the Teflon on our pans is wearing off.

In closing, here's a recipe for the aforementioned breakfast:

Toast some Rye Bread.
Top it with an Over-Easy Egg, Cayenne Pepper, and Blackberry Jam.
Promptly enjoy.

The egg, pepper, and jelly covers every flavor you could possibly have, and it puts them together well. It's surprisingly delicious. I only worked up the courage to try it after eating a Monte Cristo Sandwich, which also calls for one to put jelly on something I don't think it belongs on. Give it a shot and see if it's for you.

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