Monday, July 12, 2010

In Which Ichirin Brags About Things.

Last year I payed some $15 or so to take a test that would qualify me to be exempt for English courses my Freshman Year of college, provided I passed the rigorous four-hour testing session, which was mostly centered around the interpretation of outdated literature and concluded with the writing of three essays on a topic undisclosed until the testing had begun. Today, after cleaning a bit and waving in my Old Man, I got the mail to see that my results had finally come in.

The scores are apparently leveled One through Five - One being "No recommendation" and Five being "Extremely Well Qualified". I have been recognized as a Five, and my test-results shipped to College 0980 - The University of Saskatchewan. I'm so pleased it's unreal - furthermore, apparently I can apply online for a APID - an AP International Diploma, which allows me to certify my achievement to Universities outside the United States, which I may need should the University of Saskatchewan actually write back to me. Syracuse isn't too terribly far away, either! One ferry ticket'll supposedly get me where I want to go. Syracuse is proving to be the transit of my aspirations. Some sort of Geographic Wonder that's just a ticket away from anywhere I want to be. I guess that sort of warrants the Cigar in that doodle - I love it when a plan comes together!

I've been trying to play Commando more in Killing Floor - several Ichirin-with-an-AK things I saw a ways back have started making it quite appealing, though I don't have the easiest time leveling it up. I started out dirt-awful at it, and now I'm already two-starred and making a name out it. Just got to find people who want to play and show them what I can do! Berserker's also making a bit of progress, I like that 'cause the Icon's a Fist.

I have these two postcards I desperately need to mail out already, but I can't, for the life of me, find my stamps. I kind of wrote them in advance. I should probably send Alex a Happy Birthday one, too.

Alex's birthday is today - so many Summer birthdays, I know.
I couldn't get him anything more than an Ice-cream either.
Happy Birthday, Alex.
It's funny, their birthdays are in such close proximity, I think they both turned the same age, and my sisters' name is Alec. I can't help but shake that it'd be the weirdest thing if they hooked-up or something. Alec and Alex with their consecutive birthdays. I'm straying into weird waters at this point, so I'm just going to stop myself and close up with a little something from Hjalmar.

So, I ran my Commando-Doodle past Hjalmar last night, and I'd said, "You're too cool to tell me 'That's not how a stockless AK-47 looks!'" beforehand. He agreed, but after seeing it suddenly replied, "Or maybe I'm not. Dear God, why is the grip where it's at!?"

We both agreed it looks more like a sawed-off shotgun's grip, and therefore, that makes whatever I'm holding a Top-Break Assault Rifle, which Hjalmar was more than happy to doodle-up for me.

Thanks, Hjalmar.
You're the best worst critic of my doodling.
Just kidding, just kidding. You know I dig ya'!

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