Sunday, January 22, 2012

Metaphysics, Strays, and Citizen King.

My Metaphysical dabblings are rudimentary at best; I've looked into some polarity, been given a quick summation of how Exorcism works, lesser banishment rituals, better meditation, and there's something else I was going to add to the list, but I'm a bit too frazzled right now to think of what is. Either way, you get the gist of it - I'm no philosopher.

I've been reading about prophets and scryers as of late, and scientists as well. It seems they held hands in the Renaissance, prophets and scholars? I don't really know what caused that rift. It seems like a more effective system. I think the world's slowly coming to believe that will and fact are mutually exclusive - that science is completely detached from one's ability to think, will, and create. I think we've raised intellectual bars into a prison.

That's a cheesy metaphor.

In retrospect, I wish prophets would stop postulating with regard to the end of the world. In addition to making the whole field look like quackery when it falls through, they're unproductive. I'd prefer Oracles that guess to ways to better the world as opposed to those who breed ennui with their presumptions that all will end - and soon.

Optimistic Prophets and Physicists holding hands.

That'd be one hell of an ideal world. Kind of Randian in a way - I remember Danneskjold studied Philosophy and Physics: "A pairing of subjects that just isn't heard of these days."

Work with the Military requires eight weeks of training. It also requires technical teaching. I'm being processed for it all, but that's still quite a length to be inactive, so I've resumed job-hunting. It sounds kind of defeatist to me, but I'd really just like to have expendable income again, so while everything's still cooking, I'd like to begin working on the side. There's a local Animal Control hiring, and I've got an extensive - extensive - history with Saint Joseph's Animal Control, and the Souris Valley Humane Society when I lived on the Canadian border.

If all goes well, I'll be scrubbing pins and snipping knots for pay whilst preparing for another job later. There's even the off possibility that I'll be able to keep both: that's doubled the income and a slough of benefits.
I can't afford to get ahead of myself, though. While I'm prophesying all the good that may come of this situation's potential, I need the factual ground of it being my situation in the first place.

I've been a little emotionally bruised as of late. Actually - it's more correct to say I was a bit bruised up a few days ago. I was sweating everything, and I just didn't know what to do.
I talked with my family a bit. I basically got:

"Are you okay? Have you been working out? You should be better to yourself. Is Emily okay? She's been better? Is she in health? Is her mother okay? Are you fighting? Has she decided she doesn't like you? She's none of those things? Then all is well."

It was kind of an apt assessment - I haven't lost anything, so what was I so worried about?
I went out for a late-night sprint and punctuated it with some Citizen King.
You ever hear that song "I've Seen Better Days"? I sang that in the shower, warming-up and un-musking from my running. After that? I just knew everything'd be fine.

I've seen better days, sure, but I know the situation's not nearly as bad as it seems and it's nothing I can't be ambitious about.

I guess that's kind of it. If you're feeling lazy, this can all be summed with:

  • It'd be really cool if Scryers and Physicists worked hand in hand while adverting doomsday-prophecy and simply bettering the world.
  • I may have work in the meantime while being processed for the military. At best, I may have two jobs.
  • I had some relationship problems. A conversation with my family, a sprint, and some Citizen King patched me right up, and I'm feeling optimistic and strong again.

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