Monday, October 17, 2011

All Day Long.

Don't stop, work it while you're on top. Call the cops.

I've spent the majority of the morning in a Gym, working out to this particular track. I dug it up after three or four years - It used to be my macho play-boy cousin, Eric's, mantra.

I'm shamelessly singing it, sweaty and feeling attractive.
This was supposed to be my "relaxation day", but it's really more of my "Do what I wan" day. In compensation for missing my work out yesterday, I've upped my weight. After about three weeks or so, I'll up it a final time, and be at the goal weight I'd been hoping to lift.

I've been devoting a lot of time to troubled people, and only recently have I become aware that it's starting to sour my relations with a few people. Talking with Emily and Catherine, I've decided to take a day to do everything I want for a change. And it's been a very bitchin', PREPOSTERONE day.

I've finished all my sewing, I've had a good meal for the first time in probably...Four days or so. As in, a meal that wasn't chock-full of cheese and sodium. I'm planning on teriyaki something later tonight, unless I can find figs for cheap - I'm a little leery about spending more money, though, as I have to afford postage later today to get my sewing projects out.

Hjalmar's been learning to play the Piano something fierce, and has just finished learning to play the Waltz of the Lazy Chair Room, from Castlevania. It's pretty awesome. Perhaps more awesome than JC Chasez's pelvic-thrusting. I don't know how to add those tiny little media-players to play an uploaded file, though. I don't believe Upload Video works for it, so in the meantime, here's a Link to it, so you can marvel at Meiling's fingerwork.

After finally flattening out the entirety of a coin, I tried to beat it into a sort of wire-frame and curl it around itself. It promptly broke into pieces beneath my tiny mallet, so I've begun working on a different project, making Rings out of wood.
How to go about element-proofing it - topcoat, varnish, or something - has yet to really leap out to me. It doesn't really matter, though, because I don't want to work on them today, so you'll just have to deal.

I've been devising these little groups lead by two warring sisters, one a Witch and one a sort of blind Crusader-person. They both have very like-minded goals to help people, but they have almost different intentions. Different ways they go about it. The big picture's the same, but everything else is different. I'd like to call them Fool's Abbey and The Coven Atelier.
It's all generic planning though, stirred up from a look at some older Harvest Moon games. The Witch Princess and her constant arguing with the Harvest Goddess.

I've recently been given this little hat that has a brim for holding pins - it's naturally pretty good for my bottle-cap ones. I've got one from Boylan Bottling Co. and plan on getting two more, from Curiosity Cola and Fever Tree Soda; I'm looking towards Fever Tree first, because it comes in Bitter Lemon, which is essentially Carbonated Chen, and as such, I imagine I can get it out to a few Touhou fans for giggles, and lewd jokes about watersports and such. I hope you like lemon soda, Green-Eyes.

In closing, here's a comic whipped up by a friend of mine, Aaron. He's known me for quite awhile, and has taken to making these comics in Walfas' Character-Poser thing, mostly cataloging events in his life and stories about people he knows. He took the time to make one about me, and my notoriously bad puns - Enjoy it:

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