Saturday, September 24, 2011

Welcome to Debt, Population: Me.

I could probably start with the picture. I might start with the picture. The picture has the most pertinence to the title. I'm indebted. And it's all that damned Nyabi's fault.

...Not really, Nyabi's pretty swell.

Regardless, a ways back, it would seem that Konpaku had got it in her head to mail a few close people gifts, and I happened to make the list - she pilfered my Address from Nyabi's cattish little head, and this delightful mooncake was sent without any explanation, along with a delightful painted-glass souvenir. I flipped my lid because I don't have Konpaku's address, which sets me at a perpetual deficit.

Yes - I know it's stupid to think like that.

I split it amongst my family, and we chewed it over tea.
I've secretly begun putting together a package for Youmu, but after remailing Hjalmar's package for a steep bill of fifty dollars for six-day delivery, I'm a bit nervous about how hard it'll suplex my wallet.

I'll see what I can do.

I tour my workplace on Monday.
I'll be working the Prepared Foods section at an Organic Foods outlet, dishing up sauteed vegetables like a boss. Not quite short-order cook, but not quite poofy-hat. I'll be a Chef. Very Mystia.

I've finally salvaged my sleeping schedule.
I started the day like a Fucking Train, blaring Equius Zahhak's "Chaotic Strength" as I went to the Gym, cooked Breakfast, jogged to the place I'll be working, put-out and picked-up the mail, hauled furniture, and just otherwise got shit done.

I'm just feeling pretty all around awesome.

Feeling pretty accomplished.

They day was pregnant with that sense of, "Do something. Do something."
I feel like I've obliged.

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