Monday, September 12, 2011

Full Recap and a Picture of Me Cooking.

Awhile back, Pyon sent me this as an "accurate depiction of what I look like whenever I cook for someone."

It's about right. Yesterday, I took a leftover chicken breast and added it to two stalks of celery, some quartered baby carrots, half an onion and seasoned it with some lemon juice, and both black and white pepper. I set it all to a light boil and sat down to write postcards.

My little sister, who had been watching reality television on the sofa, goes "Whatever you're making in there smells like goodness."
She's not much for vegetables. She'd sooner die than eat a stalk of celery, and you can simply forget about anything remotely near the tomato or squash. When she was young, she tried to join me in my Vegetarianism and was so malnourished from the fact that, with her eating habits, Vegetarianism amounted to her not eating anything as opposed to not eating meat, since "Vegetable" isn't in her vocabulary.

Regardless, you get it. She doesn't eat vegetables.

The soup smelled so great to her that she had asked me to make her a dish of it, regardless of what was in it. She liked it. I really did look like that picture - ladle and everything.

A local grocer has contacted me with regards to working there. It's close but not too close. I could probably jog there if they didn't mind me all winded and gross when I arrived. I contacted the guy, Paul, and things seem pretty good. To anyone else, this is minimum wage, but to me it's an overwhelming opportunity to whirl my gears and inch closer to my fantasies. I'm excited. Perhaps a little irrationally excited. They have fresh foods chef-jobs, and I could totally julienne crap for seven dollars an hour.

I finished Kaiji with Hjalmar, A.J., and John last night. It ended off on a pretty unexpected note. Despite all the triumphant work Kaiji manages, he gets too proud and careless, and challenges Hyoudo, the Chairman of the Yakuza-like organization he's being managed by. when he loses, they slice off the fingers he bet. Missing an ear, and now his fingers, Kaiji basically goes home, broke. It's only the first season, mind you. Still, what a way to end off.

Scoped out College opportunities in Syracuse.
The local one will manage my education and cover anything the G.I. Bill typically wouldn't via their Gold-Ribbon policy. This is not counting their community scholarships which may very well leave me kind of wealthy. Moreso if I work while I am being educated. This is an ideal situation, but I don't know just how readily it will all work. Regardless, I'm excited. I can make this work.

Hjalmar sent me some of Ben l'Oncle Soul's work recently.
You can check him out Here.
He's essentially a French soul musician who does really bitchin' covers.
Definitely worth a listen. In addition to being legitimately talented, he seems like a really nice guy - reminds me a lot of Jack Johnson. I can't imagine Ben or Jack ever being angry with anyone, ever. If you mugged them, I bet they'd wave you off, smiling. Oh, by the by, don't let Soulman irk you if you're not a fan of French - he does English covers too, and with a delightful and elusive accent.

Been looking into reading Homestuck.
I've been working out to some of Kanaya's themes because they're very calm and relaxing, and I forget my body's burning when they're going. Just the opposite, when I'm really getting started, Karkat and Vriska really set my pace. Right now, Homestuck's just music to me though. I'll see if it's anything I can get into later.

Until then, I'll be around sporadically as I sort crap out.

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