Monday, September 5, 2011

Air Muscle.

I don't really have a picture for you today. Most of the time, I would have the decency to include one, but I'm working very hard and if you're still reading, I'd like to think you have a legitimate interest in the crap I do as opposed to a taste for my mediocre eraser-doodling - though I have one of those planned for any moment I can sit back to do it. It's not exactly the finishing the Gauntlet one, but rather re-purposing it, sort of.

It's hard to explain.
I have a sneaking suspicion it'll look a bit like Hellboy.

Regardless of debating your intentions for reading - if you're reading - I'm going to just cut to the chase. I've an unparalleled opportunity to work at Gold's Gym, where I've been working-out for the full extent of the Free Trial Membership included with my apartment.
Tomorrow, at 5:00 AM, I'm going to drop in to see if I can't be a face. Something more than a resume. I'd like to get there sometime early so I can show them that I don't mind getting up at 4:00 to meet their 5:00 shifts.

My heart's a little heavy.
I think I wished I would've just sat back to watch some Friendship Is Magical with Alex and Emily. I guess I could've handled all the crap I did tonight in the morning.

Oh well.
Who cares? I've got something to show for the evening. I've made a stride in the right direction again. I'm taking that window of opportunity while it's open.

In lieu of a picture, I suppose you can have This, so that the title of this makes a little more sense. Working at a Gym is also moe~, you see.

Catch you at 6:00 or so.


  1. You realize that I'm pretty sure you could have posted it as an HTML embed and it would have worked.

  2. I could've, but I didn't.
    I thought about perhaps trying it, but I felt like I was stalling, so I just stuck with what I was certain worked, and then resumed my Gold's Gym crap.
