Sunday, August 14, 2011

Puffers, Mace Gloves, and Powder Bags.

None of them really matter, because prior to tonight, it'd seem my bank account was in the red.

Not a whole lot of time to be dicking around and being comfortable now.

I've gotten out of debt, but my account-balance is now pretty pitiful.

Of my weekly to-do list, three items have been marked complete.

On an application hop - I've even tried a few "Manly" places like the Autoparts dealer.

I also got a crate of Club Soda with yesterday's groceries.
It's kind of the only thing keeping me wheeling and dealing.

Picture sort of related to the title - I was anticipating that Fallout: Tactics bit, and drew it in fancy of my Mace Glove, Powder Bags, and Beastlord Grinding.
I kind of counted my Geckos before they hatched.

I'd love to further dissect this, but I've got applications to turn in and fill out. Not having a job and just getting out of debt really makes me feel like a bum.
I hate feeling like a bum.
Like a Jim Taggart.

I also got into a really good discussion with Sparrow.
Maybe not a discussion, or "really good" in the usual sense; it was really more of an, "I'm so conflicted in my self-perception that I can't think, and I've come to you, as a reasonably intelligent person, with hopes of making anything a little more solid."

I was an inadvertent help, and the conclusion wound-down to, "I can just be me".

I feel really good about that. I feel like I'm paying forward the sometimes inadvertent, sometimes extremely deliberate help I get from my esteemed teacher.

Tacking this to the end kind of picks me up a little.

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