Wednesday, July 18, 2012


This isn't really an update. I don't have time for an update. It's more of a synopsis.

I've been in New York City visiting two friends in preparation for leaving New York for my naval career. Which might be just a bit premature, but who cares. I feel like I successfully told both of them that someone gives a damn about them, and gave one a push towards a career.

Supposedly, today at Noon I'm finally getting conscripted, which is nice.

Now that I'm home, I'm working exceptionally long hours moving furniture, boxes, and doing odd-job tasks like varnishing floorboards, painting walls, and other nonsense.

It's quite taxing - my legs are sore, my hands are blistered, my shoulders ache, and I've covered my MP3 player and work-out clothes in all sorts of paints and sealants, which I also spent a good hour scrubbing off floors later with Mineral Spirits.

I want to tell you about a really ingenious character I'd read about.
I want to try and draw Birdgette Plaird, and Atual Luxiavi.
I want to complain about having accidentally thrown away the entirety of D.B. Krmmstopp's Universal Almanac while cleaning my computer.

There's a lot I want to do, but I just don't have the time right now.

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