Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dane, the Photoclerk 2: Water and Postcards.

I'm moving in a a couple of weeks, and while there are simply no good ones, I figured I'd ought to grab a few Missouri-themed postcards before I lose the opportunity to at Pace. As such, I slapped on Djedefre, my bandana, and my sandals and hoofed it down to the drugstore.

I made a B-line for the postcards, which come in five flavors of Civil War, Jessie James, and Lewis and Clark. From behind me, I heard:

"Hey, why did you want to know what I like?"

"I was curious," I said.

I grabbed a bottle of Perrier and proceeded to the Checkout where Dane's been repositioned.

"Perrier? Nobody drinks Perrier."

I laughed it off a little and he said,

"I like to mix it with Orange Juice - usually I don't like Orange Juice, it's too acidic, but Perrier's kind of basic. Low Acid with High Base..."

"I like you," I said. "You're scientific."

He said, "I really think someone should market it. I love it after working outdoors. Half to half - I usually drink the first half anyways."

I fit him the three dollars and said I'd spread the word.

I like him. I think I might bring him lunch sometime, just to try and surprise him.
There's a Subway like, a block from where he works. I'd bake for him, but I'm all baked-out. I don't want to make another cookie for a month or so.

It was good.
I apologize for the lousy, time-stamped photo. It's from a cheapie disposable.

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