Tuesday, April 19, 2011

On Mark Zuckerberg, Okuun's Drawing-Skills, and my Utter Busyness

I've been very busy.
I got home yesterday around 11:00 PM after being crammed into an auditorium for five hours or so to learn about camera-angles, lighting, Mise-en-Scène amd all that jazz. It wasn't super thrilling, but we did watch "The Social Network", afterwords, and the parallels betweek Mark Zuckerberg and Liam as well as the film's likeness to "Citizen Kane" was very striking. I promptly called him when I got home to tell him that I appreciate him - I don't know why; I guess the idea that he could have that same turmoil or fall kind of worried me.

Early was standing in the rain with me when he leans over and goes, "Did you like the film?". He'd known I'd never seen it, and I said, "Yes, I essentially know the guy; I have trouble relating and understanding, but he's a great guy. Great, and difficult at apologies."

As for the filming, it's scriptwork is going very well. I'm working alongside a very stubborn mind who is overeager to call-in outside help. We've compromised on a lot of the punchlines, which were originally going to feature a lot of hilarious side-glances and awkward pauses for a much more blatant comedy that my partner won't budge on. I'll give the punchlines wiggle-room if I'm basically allowed to embargo outside help.

Outside help can flake-out on you.

I don't have any food today, though I've got Yuko's Dream-Curry cooking upstairs in a crockpot. Thankfully, Okuun bailed me out - he's been doing a lot of sketchwork recently, and I sprung on the opportunity to showcase it:

Here's a bit of his work - he worries the breasts will eventually reach critical mass, but I've got my doubts.

I've got another scheduled donation tomorrow at 3:30.
It's different stuff, though, so we'll see how my levels are and if they'll let me contribute.

Oh - I'm short a little dough. I made the advertising for our Indie Film based on Gordon Freeman's Acceptance Letter from Black Mesa. It's basically a big ad-poster structured like an Office Memo, complete with coffee-stain. Had to superimpose it, though, which ran about $20.

Props to Liam and Okuun.
You guys set the pace for my day, and when you don't?
It's because I don't see you, as I'm in a sardined auditorium and pretending to me Michael Moore on FinalDraft.

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