Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Une Mise a Jour.

My days always feel CONGESTED, lately, like a pair of gunked-up nostrils.
I've done the math and approximately 71% of my day today was spent working. I was excited to get a car-ride home, but it fell through and I wound up walking back anyhow. When I got home, Benji had fallen asleep, and the plans we'd made to sit-around in roleplay chat inventing stories and characters sort of fell-through. But that's okay, I suppose I can just write here until the clock strikes 9:00PM and then I'll probably sleep to be up by 4:00AM sharp for an encore performance of today.

After a year you might think I'd be used to this WEIRD SCHEDULE by now.
And you'd be wrong; I don't know what it is, but around the nine-hour mark, everything runs together like tapioca in my head and I feel really BURNT-OUT and PASSIVE about a lot of things. I think a lot of folks might just call that being tired. Yeah, maybe that's the case. Maybe I'm just tired.

My sister's birthday was two days ago, and my great friend Rose's was yesterday. It's an expensive month to buy presents, but sadly I'm a bit poorer than usual after ponying up $300 to unanticipated expenses. All the same, I called and spoke with my sister for like THE FIRST TIME IN THREE YEARS and I was surprised at how much she'd matured. She's gone from closed-minded and kind of flaky to open-minded and socially-active within her community. It's really heartening to bear witness to such an unanticipated metamorphosis. I happily talked to her about a multitude of topics: Being Transgender. My Father's Racist Inclinations. Politics. Islam. Husbands. The Many Wise Sayings of Emily Lucas. Peter Pan. Working Long Hours. Lili Elbe. Dysfunctional Mothers. Mid-Life Crises.

It was really refreshing to connect with someone like that, and I felt like contacting her to say happy birthday was more a treat for myself than it was her. What a REFRESHING TURN OF EVENTS.

Lately, I've been brainstorming a lot of character ideas and none are really coming to fruition; it occurred to me to pen a bunch of them down for consideration, review, and chopping-on later, and I'll probably pop them up here later; maybe you can salvage some chunks of their would-be character development and incorporate them into your own works, so in a way, they surpass this embryonic state I've kind of bottled them into? I haven't had a lot of opportunity to draw lately, either, so I feel sort of CREATIVELY-STAGNANT and was really hoping to explore some notional stories today, before my day kind of spiraled into coming home around 9:00PM.

It's approaching my cue to leave; I still need to shower and dry my uniform for tomorrow.
I wish you all the luckiest stars and happy dreamings.

The Word of the Day is:
"TORPOR" - (n.) [TOR-per]: A state of inactivity, indifference, or reduced physical power.

...Sometimes torpor sets in, and I forget simple things like my age and what day it is.

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