The Navy is still processing my information - as of most recently, they'd requested an unneeded Doctor's Write-Up. Brown was pretty miffed about having her time wasted, and spent the entirety of my call saying, "
I stamped 'Normal Physiology' on the front, what don't they get?" My Father, however, assures me that they are being intentionally slow about processing me to make certain I am the kind of person capable of wading through red tape. Thankfully, I wade through red tape quite casually. Just about every day in fact, so I should be passing that test quite readily.
Things are going kind of well. Emily's eagerly anticipating the release of
Dark Souls on PC, and we've been fawning over people dishing out mad carnage with caestus, silly whips, and mad two-hander dead-angles. Money's going to be a little tight, but I'm hoping the Navy will finally get the lead out and I can give her the remainder of my cash before shipping-out where I won't need it. If I ever wind up Dark Soulsin', I'd love to wear the Maiden's Outfit and a pair of battle-mittens. And probably work for Gwyndolin. Because he's a violent religious trap, and they just don't make
Good-Guys like that anymore. They're almost exclusively the generic villains now.
Also, Quelaan's pretty cool, too.
As Sabina put it, "I never thought I'd want to hug a spider."
I could stand to forgo Gwyndolin on a different character and do some Daughter of Chaosin'. Yeaaah, and I'd use that silly Summoner's Trident. And I'd
Humpty-Hump my way to victory.
I've got plans with Dustin today - I'm hoping to write a firework scene. I wanted to write something that was really showy and neat, and had a lot of sensory information. That black gunk you get on your hands. The sulfur-smell of a dead firework. All the bright colors. The clouds of smoke that hang in the air afterwards. All the little paper casings that are left-over. That's a lot to write about. I hope it goes over well.
Tomorrow, I'm probably gonna skip lifting weights to go another stint in cardio and do a timed push-up and sit-up routine. I've yet to beat nine minutes and some change as my best time, but I can do ten minutes after walking the three miles one way there. However, I've been working my abs and legs, so I'm anticipating better time on account of being fitter.
I think I'm finally getting results for my abs. I came back from the shower in my boxers and an undershirt and my sister'd remarked, "
I'm starting to be disturbed by the amount you're working out. I can see your abs through your shirt."
That's precisely the result I'm looking for beyond simply
being able to manage the fitness circuits for the military.
If you hadn't read earlier, I'd shared my really terrible Touhou Raps on GetUmpt's community boards. I've considered posting them on Tumblr as well, and after my first post regarding them, I got a really delightful image from a stranger. Without further ado, I'd like to offer you a second helping of Swagchirin, courtesy of the lovely
Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate this silly stuff. |
Talking with Rigel, I'd received a really wonderful album - the fourth installment in the
HOSPITAL^ anthology. I'd considered buying the second installment for a very beautiful picture and some really curious music. I can afford it right now, but the solid quid I've got left is kind of saved for an emergency. When September comes around, I might treat myself to it. I really like it because it's an innovative idea:
HOSPITAL^ has more or less gotten a bunch of very skilled artists to draw amazing pictures depicting the mindset, emotion, idea, misconceptions, and other sensations of being interred in a hospital. These range from the atypical moeblob pictures to beautiful paintings and fullblown comics. Afterwards, they'd taken a bunch of very obscure but quite talented musicians and assigned them a picture to build a track around. So essentially, it's a pair of small artbooks that have a soundtrack for each picture contained.
When I was a kindergartener, my father had left a copy of
Calvin and Hobbes on his work-desk and I'd begun reading it in secret. It was amazing. Prior to that, I'd read small stories but none in particular that really enticed me enough to read casually. It had pictures fulls of whimsical playing that I could relate to. It had silly depictions of things I was being taught in school. It had words I didn't understand like '
Tyranny', and things I loved like
Spaceman Spiff and
Tracer Bullet. I own a small few comics in paper. No real artbooks. But the concept behind owning them is quite the same. I really hope that someday, a child or person cracks it open, and it's unlike anything they've seen prior and they're changed a little - understood, inspired, entertained - I don't know. Just better off for having opened it up, like I was.
Anyways, I've got to go to the Gym and Church now. And after that, I've got to do my laundry and tidy-up.
My bed has been unmade for two days, I have a pile of gymclothes in the "I'll wash those later" corner, and after sorting my socks last night, I'd dumped them lazily on the floor. Kind of a busy morning, I suspect, but it'll be alright.
Also, I'd had an odd dream - I had kidnapped several people as advised by my father to collect ransoms off of them. They were nice people. A mother and her daughter. Some guy. They were sitting in the back of a covered truckbed. It was kind of dark. When I saw how worried they looked though, I thought "
I can't do this - they're really good people, and I'm troubling them and stealing from their families," I tried to explain that my background check was in work for the Navy and that I couldn't afford to have it compromised because it were my only chance at respectable income in the day's economy. I pulled up to an apartment complex that the people lived in. I let them out and I apologized and requested they not turn me in and compromise my career. I abruptly woke up after this. It was an odd dream - apparently even in my subconscious I'm just not that great at being an utter villain.