Right. Let's do this. Uninterrupted. I've got so much shit to talk about. You don't even know. Let's start with the Navy.
Right, so you guys know I'm joining the Navy and all that. I took the ASVAB awhile back and it was being processed. We'll it turns out I've scored higher than my Intel Officer father, which leaves a whole lot of doors open for me. They're offering me a chance to join their Nuclear Department which is outrageous. It pays very well. It comes with stellar Navy benefits. They give me a Bachelor's in Nuclear Physics, and after four years, if it's something I'm still interested in, I can either accept $65,000 to re-enlist or I can simply cut my losses and apply my Nuclear Know-How elsewhere. In the department, if I'd like, I can actually tailor my direction towards treatment for radiation and the like, which allows me to hit the ground running and be a Chemo Tech or something if I'd like out of the Navy.
It's not neccessarily the job I'd wanted, but it's a very good one and it's still medical.
That's right. This post? It's gonna be like a damned Infomercial.
Most of my friends, by some sort of galactic syzygy, have begun to WIN AT ROMANCE, and there's another addition to that group. Sabina! Sabina's WINNING AT ROMANCE.
Sabina's awesome. She dresses like stylish hoodlum, and casually listens to SAVE THE WORLD MUSIC, that is, dramatic Orchestral Pieces that would be befitting of leaping into the sky to challange the gods while humanity's fate hangs in the balance. I'll share some of it with you later when I've actually stopped typing for a moment. In addition Sabina's got a vocabulary that could make a sailor blush - as a Russian, she's capable of constructing a sentence entirely out of expletives and obscenities.
I particularly like hearing recanted times of her insulting people. A particular favorite of mine was, "I would tell you to go fuck a wall with your head, but I believe two walls cannot copulate."
Anyways, someone else has acknowledged Sabina's awesomeness, just like Ana's, and I am HOPELESSLY GIDDY over this fact.
Oh shit, this reminds me. More on Ana. See, she's a huge fan of this place that sells really bitchin' patterned socks, stockings, garters and the like. It's a little place I occasionally dream of spending money at called Sock Dreams. Anyways, most of Ana's NOTORIOUSLY AWESOME OUTFITS are built around a pair of matching stockings, and after posting a picture of herself wearing their merchandise, Ana was actually contacted and told the following:
▇▇▇▇ is adorable, from her enthusiasm to her toes! We’re so pleased you’re loving the knee highs as much as we do!
Hello! We were wondering if you could submit a few cute sexy socks photos to our new blog. We are just getting started and need your help. Of course we will give you credit and a link to your blog with any submission. We seriously love your blog and you are so pretty. It would be out honor to have you on our site. Thanks ▇▇▇▇
Hello! We were wondering if you could submit a few cute sexy socks photos to our new blog. We are just getting started and need your help. Of course we will give you credit and a link to your blog with any submission. We seriously love your blog and you are so pretty. It would be out honor to have you on our site. Thanks ▇▇▇▇
It's really cool to have a place or person that you dig acknowledge your existence. Moreover, it's even better when they tell you that you're sexy.
Which brings me to some odd stuff that happened today, which will likely segue into me talking about odd crap that happened over the weekend.
So, regarding that sensation when someone you dig acknowledges your existence - If you're not familiar with Brian Lee, he's the guy behind the MYSTERIOUS AND SOMEWHAT NONSENSICAL interactive flash project TANE. I was particularly fond of one of the tracks he'd been working with and offered to pay him with a doodle of me wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket in an 8-bit theme - a phrase I'd used to discribe the sensation of hearing the track - in exchange for it. This is why there is an odd pixilated mess at the top of this page.
Either way, it worked and was sort of neat.
Now onto this weekend. I was leaving church. The closing line was "Be bold, not timid, in your service to God," and it really stuck me good. I felt ADEQUATELY BOLSTERED and left looking for someone to help when I stumbled onto a nursery school. They're understaffed, so I've offered to volunteer there. Feels Kamishirasawa, man.
After that, though, I'd heard this sound like a hammer busting off a wall. I could hear a man and woman screaming at each-other and I just didn't really know what to do. I stood there. A guy left to smoke and I asked if he'd heard it, too, and was concerned but he said he didn't hear anything. I told him I knew what apartment it was coming from and he just shook his head. I was nervous as hell, but I thought "Maybe someone's getting hurt?" and "Be bold, not timid," and finally I just knocked at the door.
This super gaunt-faced guy with a tattoo that read "ANTHONY" across his neck answered the door. I asked him if he were okay, and it went a little something like this:
- Me: "Hey, uh. Everything alright?
- Him: "Yeah, yeah-...Yeah, uh...No."
- Me: "What's wrong?"
- Him: "...Well, my wife and kids just left me. I just moved here. All my shit's in boxes and it reminds me of them to unpack it. A lot of it broke in the truck here. I just don't know what to do."
Anyways, now I'm planning and figuring. I have to part ways with some stuff to hit $180, but I've accounted for my trip somewhat, and I'm planning on visiting a few friends in New York City.
I'm going to be making Flan, and taking Alex out to eat.