It was raining and a black cat crawled onto the banister of a patio. It looked as if it'd fallen off, and I panicked, running out to see it only to find it okay and let it back in. However, from the banister, I could see two girls. They were shadowy and almost amorphous.
Distinctly a young one with what appeared to be white flecks or maybe even teeth in her eyes and a older, taller one with a grim and emotionless expression, and plain black features without her younger accomplice's definitive eyes.
I had some playful name for the taller of the two, but can't remember after having woken up.
She did not like the name, and my attempt to speak with her lead to her attempting to assault my mind somehow. It unsettled my body, jarring it, and I knew that they were dangerous.
These two girls almost haunted me. I don't know what they were.
There was a boy sitting in the yard of the house I was in and I ran to him and I pleaded, "
Please. Look out there. Do you see them too? Can you tell me what they are?"
The tall one began to walk down the stairs. She was no longer outside with her younger accomplice and of the two, she scared me most.
The boy broke into a sprint without seeing the girls. He said "
There's something going on." and I chased him refusing to be alone in that house.
He ran, and he ran, and he ran for a great while before he stopped at a swing-set. There were three young children playing on it, and a fourth who was little more than a withered, crushed torso.
The boy panicked. He asked, "
What happened?" and the boy nonchalantly said he'd been hit. In retrospect, I think this might have been by someone in a car. For awhile, he looked for their parents, but the way they continued swinging without caring seemed to break him.
The boy was losing his composure. He fled into a church, and I decided to follow him. For ages upon ages, Churches have always been a place of shelter and sanctuary, and I was comforted by that fact.
The boy screamed, "
Is the Father in?"
I looked at the church attendant - he had graying hair and a beard as well as thin glasses.
He answered by saying, "
I don't know where he is."
I couldn't tell if he were talking about God or the Pastor, and I was crestfallen.
My confusion was cleared up when the attendant said, "
It's not right to be late, considering how fit he is."
We sat down. All around us, people were gathered nervously.
Something odd happened that I'm not able to do usually. Almost lucidly, I began thinking.
thought. I closed my eyes, and I pressed my hands to my face, and I raised my head up, and I tried to meditate as I do at home. I tried to imagine what the face of God is like, but all around me people were talking and muttering amongst themselves and I couldn't. I thought, "
Maybe this is intentional? If humanity has a weakness, it's its brilliant mind. Maybe they're trying to break my mind?"
Do you think they're real?"
Did you want to see it?"
...The face of the Antichrist."
I remember these three fragmented sentences humming from people I couldn't see, as my eyes were closed. I tried to tune them out. I tried to focus. I was doing okay when suddenly this massive, massive man entered the Church.
He was the missing Pastor.
He was inhuman in size. Almost blubbery with muscle. So muscular it made him overweight and impractical. What's really odd is he looked exceptionally ordinary: very boring button-down finery, a well-kempt beard, and combed, dark, wavy hair. He had a frighteningly barbaric voice however, that only matched his unsettling size and bulk. He lifted the carpets that held the church-pews where everyone was sitting and he dragged it out of the door, screaming dark portents. The people flocked to him in the most disturbing manner. As he wrecked the interior of the church and flung chairs and people aside, they cheered his existence and heeded his terrifying voice's prophecies as he began herding them outside.
I wanted nothing to do with this pastor. He offended my senses with his voice, his looks, his mannerisms, and his sense of almost joyous madness. I broke into a sprint and I escaped out the opposing door, running out into the wet grass.
At this point, I woke up.